Initiatives for SDGs
What are SDGs?
(SustainableDevelopment Goals)
Adopted by 193 countries, with the intention of being achieved in 15 years, from 2016 to 2030, SDGs are development goals adopted at the 2015 UN Summit. SDGs are comprised of 17 overarching goals plus 169 targets in order to achieve those goals. The main tenet of SDGs is ""No one will be left behind,"" with the idea of universal human rights being its defining characteristic. The colorful icon created to represent the innovative nature of SDGs and its 17 goals is an easy to use tool for anyone who wishes to show their engagement with SDGs.
SDGs: The 17 Goals
The 17 Goals which make up SDGs are organized into categories relating to elimination of hunger and poverty, quality education and health for all, the reduction of infrastructure and manufacturing- related costs, gender equality, peace, and more. It is easy to see that now more than ever, these goals represent areas of necessary improvement in our 21st century world.

Our Engagement with SDGs
To help make the ideals of SDGs a reality, we are actively engaging with the following SDGs, and hope to engage with more goals, both directly and indirectly.
Plastic Business

Use of recirculation system for water necessary in the injection molding process.
We have quickly implemented the use of electric machines in our manufacturing process, which offer energy savings of 40-50% over traditional hydraulic machines. We will continue to work towards further reducing the impact our manufacturing process has on the environment.
Encouraging the employment of those with disabilities, and the creation of workplace support systems for them
We aim for the development of a system that will allow for the collection and recycling of our products after they are no longer able to be used.
We aim for partnerships with our industry peers, in order to encourage plastic recycling across the industry. We also aim for partnerships with local institutions and schools to further encourage the employment of the disabled, and create an environment where anyone can work safely and securely.
Sports Business

Sporting goods produced by Outre contribute to healthy lifestyles.
Via the development and sales of Outre goods, we contribute to the generation of meaningful, stable employment.
Outre sporting goods are useful not only for sports, but also serve purposes in our everyday lives, which contriues to the reduction of throwaway consumption and waste.
Via the development of Outre goods, we can develop lasting partnerships with other professionals on a local as well as international level.
Café & Food Business

We support consumers' health by offering organic and gluten- free foods.
Via the running of our cafes and food retail locations, we contribue to the generation of meaningful, stable employment.
Via renovation and reuse of old buildings, we develop close relationships with the local community and assist in the revitilization of neighborhoods.
Via careful coordination of stock intake, we reduce food loss. We develop products which also contribute to food loss reduction.
Creative Products

Via the development and sale of tasca4D products, we contribute to the generation of meaningful, stable employment.
By designing high quality products meant to last, we reduce the generation of waste.