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an enjoyable future

As of May 1, 2020, JEJ Co., Lrd. And Astage Co., Ltd. merged to form JEJ Astage Co., Ltd. While JEJ Astage's primary business activities are the planning, manufacturing, distribution and sales of plastic products, we are always devising new and interesting business enterprises as we continously grow as a company and enjoy our jobs.

Aiming for a sustainable society
As a business primarily engaged in the creation and design, manufacturing, and assembly of plastic home storage goods, we are commited to engaging in Earth- friendly manufacturing practices that maintain the integrity of the environment and will leave a beautiful planet for future generations.
Strategically building and developing verastile business ventures
Our business scope is not limited to our main business as a plastic product manufacturer. Rather, it has grown to include other diverse businesses such as our sports brand Outre, cafes such as en, food retail like KOREIL, ciracasi, and AMANE in addition to our creative products which are part of tasca4D.
JEJ Astage Business Overview
Hiring Information
Are you interested in working at JEJ Astage? We are looking for new teammates to work together with us!
Quotation Request
Please feel free to get in touch with us with any of your questions.